Supriti Vijay & Aman Priyanshu)"> Supriti Vijay & Aman Priyanshu) 2024">
  • Foundations of Differential Privacy

    Introduction A Technically, Non-Technical definition of Privacy Imagine you have a special box where you keep all your secrets, like your favorite collectibles and even your money. You don’t want anyone to know what’s inside because it’s private and personal to you. Now, let’s say there’s a new series of...

  • Predator Prey Reinforcement Learning

    Introduction In this blog post, I’ll introduce the concept of Reinforcement Learning (RL) Systems, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) Systems, and demonstrating a project based on them. However, before we begin discussing these concepts in detail, we can begin by understanding the motivations behind reinforcement learning. Humans have the ability to...

  • KeyRelBERT

    Introduction In this blog post, we will introduce KeyRelBERT, a novel approach for keyword extraction and relation extraction that builds on KeyBERT’s foundations. KeyRelBERT is designed to extract not only the most relevant keywords and keyphrases from a document but also to identify the relationships between them. It is a...

  • How to Land the Adobe India Women In Tech Scholarship - Tips & Insights

    Celebrating women everywhere, this Women’s day, I adopt the global theme of #EmbraceEquity, initiating my vision to help women become better informed about the opportunities and scholarships available in the tech field. In this series of blog posts, I will be decoding the application process of various women-centric opportunities and...